Oppose Gun Control in New Hampshire

Call Your Legislator and Demand That They Oppose Red Flag Gun Confiscation!

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Call Your Elected Officials

Gun control in the Live Free or Die state could be a reality in just a matter of weeks.

Anti-gun lobbyists and politicians have just overwhelmingly passed House Bill 1711 (Red Flag Gun Confiscation) in the New Hampshire State House and it will soon have a floor vote in the State Senate.

Those anti-gun politicians include 25 New Hampshire House Republican Representatives.

House Bill 1711 runs opposite to our foundational principles of rights to self-defense and due process. It would enshrine into law that Granite Staters will be subjected to a new process created to confiscate your firearms by collaborating with the federal government.

Stand up to the New Hampshire political and bureaucratic class.

Contact these Republican legislators and demand that they stop supporting gun control expansion like House Bill 1711!

Rep. Steven Bogert - (603) 455-2676

Rep. Matthew Coker - (603) 892-7083

Rep. Jim Creighton - (603) 588-2739

Rep. Debra DeSimone - (603) 362-4314

Rep. Jess Edwards - (603) 370-7885

Rep. Tracy Emerick - (603) 498-6002

Rep. Robert Healey - (603) 424-1753

Rep. Aboul Khan - (603) 524-3961

Rep. Bill King - (603) 490-1810

Rep. Richard Lascelles - (603) 325-5523

Rep. Bob Lynn - (603) 235-7952

Rep. David Milz - (603) 437-0030

Rep. David Nagel - (603) 271-3661

Rep. Jodi Nelson - (603) 215-7221

Rep. Kevin Pratt - (603) 895-9502

Rep. Mark Proulx - (603) 669-7179

Rep. Katherine Prudhomme O'Brien - (603) 339-4598

Rep. Terry Roy - (978) 235-2400

Rep. Steven Smith - (603) 826-5940

Rep. Walter Spilsbury - (603) 826-3456

Rep. Walter Stapleton - (603) 995-1034

Rep. John Sytek - (603) 893-8889

Rep. Paul Tudor - (603) 932-6184

Rep. Kenneth Weyler - (603) 778-5225

Rep. Dan Wolf - (603) 763-5176

Additionally, you can find your State Senator and encourage them to oppose HB1711 by clicking the 'Find Your Officials' button below!