Pass School Choice in Wyoming!
Pass School Choice in Wyoming!
HB 166 authorizes Education Savings Accounts. The bill is one step closer to being a reality in Wyoming, but the House chose not to concur with the Senate version.
The Senate passed HB166 with the Standing Committee amendment which cut government funded pre-school, testing requirements, and carve outs. It also made the bill stronger by increasing the reward for students.
They need to hear from you.
Tell the state representatives and senators on the Conference Committee to commit to supporting School Choice in Wyoming absolutely by supporting the Senate version of HB 166. NO watered down school choice.
The members of the committee that will come together to work out a compromise between the positions are Rep. Lawley, Brown, and Cloutson, and Sen. Boner. They will compile a report and then the bodies will vote on it.
By signing this letter you will be sending a pre-written email to the members of the Conference Committee urging them to stand up for PURE School Choice and support HB 166.